Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013

Elephants, swimming and Kruger Park

11. October

On Friday we went elephant park. First we learned a lot about elephants and we could touch them and make photos. The elephants understand many English words. You can say sit down and the elephants sit down.   Do you know, that 2x the scope from the footprint, the height from the elephant is? I find it very interesting. After we ridden on the elephants. It was so beautiful. This moment I never going to forget.
After we drove over a mountain. There we ate in a little restaurant lunch. In the restaurant we saw Louis Sutter ( a friend from Herisau) and his family. It was a big surprise for us, because we didn't know, that he's in South Africa, too. In the afternoon we went to a big canyon and other beautiful places. There we saw wonderful panoramas and bought a lot of souvenirs. In the evening we were all very tired, but happy.

12. October

On Saturday we had free. In the morning we went to the town and bought a lot of things. It was very hot. It was plus minus 40 degrees. In the afternoon we went to the dam and swum there, with a few studets from the Southern Cross school. It was very nice.

13. October

On Sunday  we were in the Kruger Park.We had to stand up at 4:30, but it wasn't horrible. The Kruger Park is dabble as big as Switzerland. We drove with the school bus. It was so fantastic. We saw all of the big five. The big five are: leopard, Lion, rhino, buffalo, elephant. We saw hippo, nyalas, giraffe, and a lot of other animals, too. We had a super day. Many people go to the Kruger Park and see nothing. We had so luck, that we saw all of the big five.


14.+ 15. October

 The schooldays yesterday and today were very good. I like the school now. The days are every day shorter and better. I have now a lot of new friends here. I find it so good, that we in the morning break got toast with something. They are always so good.  At Tuesday we had craft. That’s a subject like art. We made carton lollipops for decoration. I learn every day new words. My dictionary is much bigger then before we came here. The evenings are always very funny. We speak about our school, this school, our village and a lot of other topics. The students in the boarding house are so nice and friendly.  Today we made our shoe boxes. That’s a project to give poor children a Christmas gift.  We had to put in a lot of things. I made it for a 4 years old girl =)


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