Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

 19. October

This weekend we had a lot of free time. On Saturday  we chilled in the boarding house and enjoyed the day. In the evening we went to the Alder family for dinner. The food was excellent. It was very funny. It was the birthday from Oliver, so they bought a big birthday cake. It was horrible it was a chocolate cake and Oliver doesn’t like chocolate. Mr. Alder didn’t know that. It was good for us, so we had more cake. :P It was a fantastic evening.

 20. October
On Sunday  we had free, too. In the morning we slept a lot and ate the big breakfast. It was so good. After that we went to the dam with a few students from the boarding house. There we swum, ate and chilled. It was very nice.  After dinner we had prep time and later we had to go sleep.
21. October

On Monday  we started the last week. The school become always easier. My favourite subjects here are Technology and Art. In the noon break we hadn’t stress. We ate faster, so we have more timeJ. In the afternoon we had sport. It rained a little bit, but not much. It was perfect weather. It was a good start in the last week.
22. October

On Tuesday morning it rained cat and dogs. It was very cold and it winded very much. It was very bad weather. We had the last lesson Art. L The school was very fast finish and in the afternoon we had free. 

23. October

Yesterday was de second last day here in the Southern Cross school. I looking forward to go home, but am sad, that we must go away from all this nice persons.  This morning came monkeys in the boarding house, when we were at school. The made a messy and ate the sweets from Salome. In the afternoon we had sport. Cornel show the students “Schwingen” on English Swiss wrestling.
24. October
Today was the last day here. In the morning we went to School and said our class good bye. In the afternoon we went to the town and bought the last things. It's realy sad, that we have to go tomorow. But we looking Forward to go home. It was a very nice time here. =)
Bis bald :P
Edith :) 

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