Sonntag, 27. Oktober 2013

Travel to home

25. + 26. October

On Friday  we had to wake up at 4.30. We packed the last things and said good bye to our friends with many tearns. We were so good friends. Now we see them mabye never more. But we write with them. We have all the nubers from them. at 6.00 we drove five hours to Johanesburg. In Johanesburg we meeted  Mr. Alder with his family and checked in. Our airplane flown at 14.35. The flight was eight hours long.l We watched films, ate and tried to sleep. In doha we had to wait 10 hours. We looked the shops, drunk coffees and played carts. It was very funny. The flight from Doha to Zurich was 5.30 hours. I couldn't sleep. At 2 o' clock we arrived in Zurich. We took our suitcases and said us good bye. We drove with the cars to home. It's beautiful to be at home. I sleeped in my own bed that was very nice. Tomorow start th school for us. We're going to see all our friends. I'm looking forward to see them. It was a very very good time in South Africa. I will never forgot this time.

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