Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

First school day with the other students

 7. October
A exercise from technology
Today we had the first school day with the other students. We had to wake up at 5:45. The school is very difficult then the school in Herisau. We had a lot of subjects: Technology, Social Science, Sport, Africans... The people here are all very nice and help  us always. The lessons are very interesting, but we must concentrate us very much to understand they. We could choose the sport that we do here. I had choose hight jump. It was very funny. I like that. In the break in the morning we get toasts with tomatoes and meat. It was very good, but in the noon break we had only 30 minutes to walk to the eating room, eat lunch, wear our sport dresses and walk back to the school. We had to eat very fast. But i like the school. The children they sleep in a room with me are so friendly to me.

Herisau I miss you a little bit. <3

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